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Three Score and Ten Devotional Thoughts by Bro. Prakash V. Mathew.

Gold, that metal, most coveted and alluring hides deep in the bosom of the earth, the diamond lies hidden in the alluvial deposit, emerald hides in the granite vein and pearl lies in the very body of the pearl oyster. Akin to these things the most mysterious, precious pearls of the Word of God, hidden in the deepest mind of Prakash Mathew have come into light through his book, “JUST A PRELUDE.”--Prof. Mathew P. Thomas

Just A Prelude” is a compilation of thought provoking and spiritually challenging short essays. Though small in size, the book is rich in spiritual lessons, philosophical insights and practical ideas. The author’s scholarship in English literature is evident in the many apt quotations from Shakespeare, Frost, Shelley and others.--Dr. C.T. Luiskutty.

The thoughts of the author traverse through various situations in daily life and finds solace in the Word of God, which certainly would put confidence in the reader in similar walks of life.--Dr. James George


Three Score and Ten Devotional Thoughts by Bro. Prakash V. Mathew.

This is the second part of the series from the author of "Just a Prelude"

The best sentence in the book is found in the article entitled “Walls never grow and the words are given below.” “Two men looked out the prison bars, one saw the mud and the other saw the stars.” It is no exaggeration to say that this book is the best book that I read in the year 2020.--Dr. D. Joshua

The author points: Instead of allowing the melody of meaningful music to move our spirit we are content with emotional ecstasy associated with a lot of noise. The leaders and the followers should pay attention to the author’s words, “Very often pseudo spirituality is worse than no spirituality.”--Dr. C.T. Luiskutty.

“Insights” is just a continuation of the thought processes obtained from the Bible by way of personal meditation and study. I have gone through some of these thoughts and found them to be of high quality in content and excellent in narration as well as presentation..--Dr. James George